Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Truth About Lying

I'm sure everyone is getting sick and tired of me talking about lying non-stop and hardships of my life, blah blah right? Well, not to be rude but that is the point of having my own blog and own Facebook site. Everyone else can write anything that bothers them so why can't I? The lying subject keeps coming up in my words because it keeps happening. I'm starting to realize that some people just aren't getting the hints that I'm putting out there. They just always assume I'm talking about someone else. So let's begin shall we?

What IS the truth about lying? There are many but let's start with this oldie but a goodie: Someone always knows. Want an example?

Years ago I had a male friend whose name we will not say here (this is for privacy reasons and none other even though I have no contact with this guy anymore...it's called respect). He had a very sweet, loving, innocent girlfriend who loved him more than the stars. Seeing them together you would think nothing was wrong and that their relationship was fine. They were usually together, had several things in common, and seemed to mesh well but appearances can be deceiving. The truth was, this guy was going out of town for work once to twice a month and while gone he was visiting strip clubs, bars, and "hooking up" with different women. I played dumb for quite some time to him pretending that I didn't know the truth and would politely "accept" the excuses he would come up with in front of his girlfriend all the while being able to look in his eyes and actually see that he was lying. No, there wasn't a twitch or quiver in his voice that gave it away...it was his soul.

"You can't look into someone's soul!" you may say...or, "That's impossible! You're crazy!" Well, maybe I am a little crazy but I can promise you it's not impossible. Want the proof?

After about a year of "knowing" that guy was lying he finally fessed up one night while drunk at a party at my house. I was one of two females there and the other girl was busy being a slut in my bathroom (I'm not kidding about that part) so there I was stuck to once again listening to "guy talk" about "babes" and their latests conquests. One of his friends let it slip that the last time they were out of town that they went to a strip club, spent tons of money, ignored their girlfriend's phone calls, and even managed to score a couple of "hot ass chicks" that they later took back to their hotel room and had sex with (I'll leave the gross details out here). So what could be worse than them obviously cheating on their girlfriend's? The fact that they didn't care. They were planning another trip already. They actually were proud that they pulled it off without the girls finding out.

Once he sobered up a bit, he asked if he could talk to me outside. I simply just nodded and followed him out. The conversation was as follows:

"You knew the whole time didn't you?" Steve said (we'll just call him that to make the dialog easier)

I nodded in response.

"Are you going to tell my girlfriend?" he asked.

I replied, "It's not my job to. It's yours."

"I can't tell her the truth. She'd leave me over it."

"Well, you should have thought about that when you did it."

After a long pause of him obviously thinking about what I just told him he finally spoke.

"Do you think I'm a bad person?"

"Yes." (the look on his face was obviously shock in my response) "You have the choice to be a good person but you chose wrong. You have all the tools at your feet to clean up your life and be good to those around you, yet you ignore it and keep doing what you're doing. So yes, in my opinion that makes you bad."

A few weeks later I ran into him at a store and he explained to me that he finally got the "guts" to tell his girlfriend what he had been doing while away. He was heartbroken that she left him and said that he was begging her to come back. Idiot. Of course she left. That's what she should have done. Why subject yourself to something as bad as that? Honestly I have no answer for that because every guy I've dated has cheated on me and/or lied. Only one has come clean and told me the truth. What they didn't realize was that I have this "gift" if you want to call it that and knew the whole time.

Which brings me to this: If you KNOW I can do this and you KNOW that I KNOW the truth...why lie? In the same respect, why do I continue to let those people stay around me? I'm sure you have many reasons for why you lie but for me...I stay because I know the truth will come out.

So what's the downfall of having this ability? Not being able to provide proof. Think about a friend saying this to you: "I know my husband is cheating on me." You say, "That's horrible! How do you know?" You reply, "I just do." Hmm...doesn't sound real convincing does it? To me, it doesn't matter that I don't have concrete pictures to prove you were doing what you were actually doing...it's the fact that I know. And that's just it...I always know.

I'm sure you are wondering why I don't just speak up and say something but I have. I've tried many times to pull out the truth and let them know that I know they are lying. There have been many times where the "stories" they tell don't add up and when I bring up those facts...of course more lies are said. It usually ends up in a fight and yelling or someone slamming a door and speeding off yada yada. Somehow it always ends up my fault (lovely, huh?).

Bottom line: God has assured me that the truth will surface. As for me, I have no idea why he shows me these things or these truth's, especially when there is not much I can do with the information at the time. All I can say is that he does. Through dreams, visions, and the gift of looking into your eyes and seeing the truth.

Would you stand in front of an angel and lie to them? You can lie to yourself all you want but you can't lie to God. I don't care if you believe in Him or not. He's still there and listening to what's in your heart. Getting mad at me for knowing what he's seen you do is not going to help any. You are simply trying to kill the messenger.

So for those who continue to lie to me (and yes, I can tell when you're lying on the phone as well...don't think that just because I can't physically see you that I can't know the truth) you will fall soon. I've seen it. All the lies that you have told will come out verbally, statistically, and proof wise. You can tip-toe around me all you want and try to show me that you care, but I know the truth. I can't stress that enough. I don't care how much you "say" you care, when your actions do something completely different. I'll continue to nod along with what you say until God gives me the go ahead, but chances are...I won't have to. You'll stumble...they always do.

Lesson here: Is it really worth it? Is that escapade that you are going on really so enjoyable that you are willing to lose everything in front of your eyes? Are the lies you are telling make you feel better about what you've done or somehow "erase" it?

Last point here: Ladies you aren't safe from what I say. You do it too...I've seen it and heard it.

So in closing: for those of you who are tired of me ranting about cheating and lying, this is my response. I'll stop talking about it when you stop doing it. Bottom line.

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