Saturday, August 7, 2010

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.” ~Oscar Wilde

Notice to the right I have a survey for everyone who visits. It's a very simple question that many people answer without even thinking about it. I'd like to know what the majority believes in to better help me describe my point of view on things.

As a starting entry in this blog, I find it hard to figure out where to start. Some of you may already know who I am and what all my current life pertains but some of you who stumble across this have no idea. Through this blog I will be covering everything from my struggles as a mom, a soon to be Army National Guard wife, my current pregnancy, my loves, my dislikes, my fears, my joys, and most of all my struggles. Life may have started out simple enough for me but by the age of nine everything took a very strange and mysterious turn...for the worst. We will cover everything in due time but for now I want you to really think about the question asked of you in the survey.

Do YOU believe in angels and demons?

My answer will be coming up shortly but for now I'd like to end with this:

Be careful for what you think is real, fake, or what you believe you see. The perception of things is our greatest downfall. You may think you know...but you have no idea.

Much love,

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