Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lies In The Devil's Playground

Have you ever been lied to? I'm certain everyone who comes across this will answer yes. The lies I have been told cover everything from the most minor to the most traumatizing. I've lost most of my friends over the years because of this same issue. Their lies just kept getting more extreme. I even had a "friend" take my identity and rack up well over $1,000.00 in fake checks with my name on them. To me - that's a lie. I've had friends lie and say they love someone, then they cheat. I've had friends lie and say they love ME, and then they stab me in the back. And of course, the biggest of all is I had a lie filled marriage. He lied when he said he loved me, he lied about where he and his friends went and what they did (or better yet WHO they did), he lied about wanting working late, he lied about a certain girl he worked with, and the biggest of all...he lied about wanting us to be a family. He made that very clear the day he walked out on me and my son.

Even though THEY are the one's who lie, why am I always the one who gets dealt the pain? My trust in humankind has been shattered to a pulp. I've tried my best to let it roll off of my shoulders and keep on truckin' but as my age progresses, it seems to get harder to do. I pray about it, I try to push the memories away, and I forgive all who cross me but for some reason I still feel the pain of it all. I'm to the point now that I can't even stand it when my six year old lies to me and says "Yeah! I cleaned my room!" all to find it in shambles with objects thrown here and there like a tornado freshly came through only touching this one particular room.

So why do we do it? Especially when there's always SOMEONE who knows the truth? For example: I was riding my bike one fall day at my parent's house when I accidentally ran it into one of moms terra cotta pots and broke it into several pieces. I looked around to see if she or anyone else was watching and once satisfied that no one was, I continued to play like nothing was wrong. Once I was asked if I knew what happened to her pot and I replied with something along the lines of I didn't know and it could have been a dog. I never did get in trouble for it. Well, about a year ago I brought up that pot on the phone with my mom and she replied, "Oh hunny, I know. I was watching you from the kitchen window when you did it. I've always known." and then she laughed. Parents always seem to know when you're lying. I chalk it up to a sixth sense kind of thing haha.

But doesn't that mean that our Father is watching us too and knows every lie we either do or think? Lesson here is as follows: don't do anything that you wouldn't want God to see or hear. As for me, I'm certainly working on the hearing part! I have promised many times to do what God instructed me to do and lo and behold, I'd turn the other cheek and do what I wanted instead. Time to amp it up and do things right!

Love to you all,
Sarah M.

1 comment:

  1. I gotta say the title creeped me out lol. But you are always right, and if you tell someone something or give them advice on something they should listen to you, i have learned that. I don't know how someone could lie to you, i mean im sure i have when i was younger (i wouldn't remember now lol) but haven't since then and i never will. You have every right to get mad at Alex for lying about cleaning his room, it's part of him learning responsibility and im sure you get on to him about lying to you in the first place. I know you are not the type of mother to let thier kids run around and do whatever, like my mom is with me. She straight up doesn't care at all..which is why you are my hero, always have been and always will be. You are like a super mom and i think you are amazing, i love you dearly and i hope you never change. I love you mom.
