Monday, March 14, 2011

The laws of the late night bar

So what's with my recent status? There's a lot involved when I quote my dad's words and I was one to prove why his words were so true during my late teen/early 20 years but the story I will tell here is a recent prime example of why I believe everyone should abide by that simple rule.

This weekend we went to Baja's like we do from time to time to hear live bands and get a few drinks. This time a friend of ours came out with us. Him and his wife just found out they are pregnant after a long battle with miscarriages and I could not be happier for the both of them. His wife said she was simply too tired to go out (understandable) but said he could. She just said that he couldn't stay out until 3 am (also understandable). So he meets us there, we grab some drinks and head to the pool tables. Now, I don't shoot pool. I'm not good at it, don't fully understand it, and realllllly don't feel like showing everyone around me how bad I truly am at it so instead I choose to sit and watch whoever is playing. I really enjoy that down time of not worrying who's looking at me and if I need to suck in my stomach or check my hair, yada yada. So the festivities start. After a while of playing each other, someone else comes up and puts money on the table (just found out that means they want to play next). So Matt and our friend finish up their game and the next couple comes up. This story can get really long unless I skip ahead a bit so...

After a few hours a man and two interestingly dressed girls (I say this b/c it looked like they were freshly 21) come to the table ready to play the guys. But instead they wanted it to be 3 on 3. I announced that I don't play pool (nicely I might add) and the dark headed girl shouts out rudely, "What the fuck?" or something along those lines and I just got up and walked my happy butt to the bar to get a refil instead of dealing with some hot headed girl who was mad b/c I wouldn't play pool with them. While up there, someone knocks into my shoulder. happens all the time, especially at a bar so as I turn around I (as nicely as I can) say, "Oh! I'm sorry!" even though they knocked into me and who do I see, the dark headed pissed off girl. She looks right at me with an "eat shit and die look" and says, "psh, yeah." and trots behind the bar. Mr. Bar Tender didn't like that much and shooed her out but of course she got pissed at that as well and knocked into me once again, this time I literally watched her throw her shoulder into mine. Deep breath...let it go. I had to laugh a little b/c the whole thing was so juvineille. During these few minutes that I was at the bar, I was hit on by two men, one as soon as he saw my ring told me to have a nice night and joined his friends, the other kept talking so instead of me wasting my time I simply walked away from the loser.

So back to the pool tables I go and see the dark headed girl and her blonde friend giving me the stink eye (whatever) and generally being all over each other. I'm guessing they thought it was hot and that the guys I was with wouldn't give a rats butt tail about me and want to be with them. Tip girls: just b/c you act like a slut...that doesn't mean guys will flock to you. Hell the guy you were WITH wasn't paying a bit of attention to you. Once they noticed no one was ready to head to the bathroom to get their next disease from them (k...don't know they had a disease...just saying) they trotted off to the dance floor and left the guy to finish up the game. The rest of the night, I got a few more across the room death stares which I didn't respond to at all besides smiling a little.

Then in walks BARBIE!!!! Yeah, no lie. The woman literally looked like she dedicated her life (and her husbands wallet) to become a life size Barbie doll. I must admit, she was very pretty (could use a little more work on her overly puffy crooked lips if she REALLY wanted to be Barbie) but watching her attitude ruined every fantasy I had of the child's toy. With her was her husband, we later found out was a dentist (oh btw...she was probably in her late 20's...he had to have been in his 50's) and their friends, a dark headed girl (20 something) with her nose turned in the air and her boyfriend, also 50's who was a lawyer. There wasn't any issue for quite a while until they stole the guys table. No waiting there, they just took it. Wow Barbie, I know you don't have a brain in that plastic head of yours but you could use your eyes to see what's going on. Oh, but I forgot...they were ABOVE us common folk ;-) and they proved that they felt that way.

Skipping ahead again, dark headed barbie friend w/ the lawyer old foggie boyfriend decides to play a game of pool with our friend since Matt when to the bar to refill. From my point of view at first, it looked like they were hitting on each other, heads close together, our friend laughing, her strutting when she walked past him and bending way too far over. I also thought this was the reason why her boyfriend looked so pissed. Welllllll, come to find out....yes, she was flirting...but our friend....dogging the shit out of her and her boyfriend. She missed a shot at one point and he even said to the b/f, "I think you need to fire your intern", looked at her, looked at me and started busting out laughing. So, there's the first point...has to look right or people get the wrong idea.

I go to the bar to check on Matt, I see a girl tugging on his arm (not his shirt, literally fingers wrapped around his bicep). I know how girls are...especially at a bar (and any female will back me up on this one) so I, without wanting to start shit with her or get in her face just simply grab his arm myself and slide right in between the two of them with my back turned to her. Pretty much to say, get the point, he's taken. So after a while, Barbie and her groupies decide they've had enough of our friends taunts and they go back to the other table but before they go...Barbie swips our quarters right off of our table. Nice huh? Not like your husband doesn't have enough money already. I wanted to say something, the friend didn't really care.

Skipping ahead a little more: drinks spilled on my phone (my pride and joy). I had to take the battery out so I could clean it all. My stupid behind forgets to actually turn the phone back on (wouldn't have mattered anyways, the battery was dangerously low to begin with). I see our friend check his phone a few times, hit a button and put it back in his pocket. Don't think anything of it or what time it was for that matter. All of a sudden, the lights come on and last call is announced. Time flies huh? Matt goes to close out our tab, our friend darts off and I'm sitting in the corner all alone (poor me haha j/k). Barbie and her friends take this opportunity to start making jokes and laughing. I guess they really were scared b/c they waited until the guys were away from me. Be scared scared. ;-) I'd had enough of it and knew it was time to leave anyways so I walk up front to see the first blond girl (the one making out with the angry brunette) and my husband talking. Matt was leaning over to her, talking in her ear and she was laughing away. Hell no that didn't look right. Our friend, who was looking the other way saw me, turned to see what I was looking at and leaned to me and said, "What the fuck??" I shrugged my shoulders and was getting pissed off b/c I knew exactly why she was talking to him (payback's a bitch huh?). Come to find out, she hit on both of them and Matt was telling her that he was married...which is why she laughed. Should have smacked-a-ho right there. Next time time.

So again...didn't look right. Wellllllllll, we get to the car and our friends phone rings. He freaks out b/c it's his wife and it is now after 3 am - close to 4. I told him I would take the blame b/c I was supposed to be watching the time and had just realized that my phone was still off. Matt says he'll take the blame too. He says she's on her way up there b/c she doesn't believe he's where he says he is. I felt really bad for him b/c I watched him all night push every girl away and he even said, "Why would I want her when I have a wife and new baby on the way at home?" Nice point. Loved hearing there is some fidelity left in the world.

She arrives, Matt tries to talk to her, I hear her yelling at her husband, he leans down and says, "Sarah please...please go talk to her." (almost in tears). Okey doke....problem...couldn't get the damn car door open!!! wasn't b/c I was drunk, there's no door handle and you have to open it a certain way which wasn't working while I was trying to hurry and get out. FINALLY, I get it open, step out and walk up to her car just to simply tell her that I was the one keeping track of time and what happened. I was even going to tell her she could be mad at me b/c I reallllllly felt bad for him! I knew it was about to ruin any friendship I'd been trying to develop with her. She sped off so fast that literally, she came within a foot of running my own foot over! Thatttttt pissed me off! Just because you're mad at your husband, don't take it out on me!

We follow him home just to make sure he gets there okay, Matt tries to talk to the wife again (didn't think that was a good idea). All he got was a, "get the fuck out." so oh well, we tried right??

Come to find out...she called him over four times and he wouldn't answer. I literally witnessed it and didn't even realize that's why he was pulling his phone out, hitting silent, and putting it back up. Also found out that this happens a lot. So, do I feel bad now? Nope. Good thing I didn't take the blame.

So even though he honestly didn't do anything "bad" besides stay out too sure as hell didn't look right to his wife, and in her mind, that's all that matters right now. So I say again, it not only has to be right, it has to look right. Walk away from the flirters, stay true to your gut, and remember that someone is ALWAYS watching you. This is how rumors start. So ladies and gentlemen...abide by the laws of the bar when you go out, or you just might be the one in the dog house next time!

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